zakir abbas

zakir abbas

Reading list

67 stories

zakir abbas

zakir abbas

How to make personal budget

24 stories

Leveraging competitor analysis is a powerful tool for businesses to gain a competitive edge in the market. By identifying competitors, analyzing their strategies, and uncovering areas of opportunity, businesses can gain valuable insights into their own operations and strategies.
zakir abbas

zakir abbas

Syed Zakir Abbas list of articles

51 stories

Leveraging competitor analysis is a powerful tool for businesses to gain a competitive edge in the market. By identifying competitors, analyzing their strategies, and uncovering areas of opportunity, businesses can gain valuable insights into their own operations and strategies.
zakir abbas

zakir abbas

My New Articles

26 stories

zakir abbas

zakir abbas

I am an ex-professor of Bahria University Karachi. My specialty is Finance, Portfolio Management, Investment Banking; Commercial Banking, Economics.