Take Online Stress Test to know; How well do you cope under pressure?

zakir abbas
2 min readApr 10, 2022

HomeOnline-stress-test Take Online Stress Test to know; How well do you cope under pressure?

At some point in our lives, we all face various levels of pressure and stress, and we cope with it in diverse ways. Some sources of stress may be more manageable than others. School examinations, for example, are a major source of anxiety. We have time to psychologically prepare ourselves as well as take practice examinations and revise because we know these exams will take place several years in advance.

Nobody performs better under difficulty, which may surprise you. Pressure impairs our judgment, decision-making, attention, and performance regardless of the task. The book “IQ & personality tests: assess and develop your creativity, aptitude, and intelligence / Philip Carter” provides the basis for this quiz. Nobody performs better under duress, which may surprise you. Pressure impairs our judgment, decision-making, attention, and performance regardless of the task.

The true tests of life, on the other hand, are not so predictable. The following is a list of common events and experiences that might create stress; we are most sensitive when these events happen suddenly and simultaneously (the double or triple whammy):

Loss of sleep, impatience, a quick temper, concern, and stress-related illnesses are all common responses to stress. Dealing with stress responses can be tough since what one person feels stressed or stressful, another may not, and we all react differently to different stressful events. Nonetheless, improving your understanding of the major sources of pressure and stress is a good place to start, as it will at the very least assist you in determining what you can do about it.


Check your overall score; the most possible score is sixty (60) points, and the lowest possible score is zero (0).

31–44 points

You should also be aware that stress is a result of pressure, and many ailments are caused by stress. It is therefore critical that you try to take a step back in stressful situations and think about your current situation, your life in general, and the positive things that exist and are occurring. In general, strive to adopt a more upbeat attitude when coping with what is referred to as “modern-day difficulties,” but which are, in fact, the same pressures that have existed in some form for previous generations. Modern science should, in fact, enable us to manage these constraints better than we have in the past. At the very least, we are now aware of the dangers of such scenarios. Analyzing and recognizing the reason or causes of the pressure, your reactions to the pressure, and your means of coping with the pressure are all examples of a good approach. It may also entail altering your perspective on the pressure, improving the way you do things, such as in a professional environment, and knowing where to go for help and who to talk to when necessary. I hope Online Stress Test helped you to understand, How well do you cope under pressure?

Originally published at https://www.ssaazs.com.



zakir abbas

I am an ex-professor of Bahria University Karachi. My specialty is Finance, Portfolio Management, Investment Banking; Commercial Banking, Economics.